Beautifly Blended

Beautifly Blended
"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so you are in My hands." God said. Jeremiah 18:6

31 January 2013

Hello, Hello Again!!

Almost two weeks ago I hopped on over to my dear friend Joli's house to pick up a Mangers of their home book. I have been reading all these ways on how to make my home run for efficiently and I feel like I could use some consistent worship, learning, and work in my home of  3 to 5 people. However, reading this book there was one thing I noticed, these moms have lots of children. And, well really I only home school the one, with the two oldest in public school. So, then I got to thinking do I really need to make a schedule for my household.?  And, the answers is yes. Here is why...

I must let you know right off bat. I am not one of those mother's that like to sign her kids up for extra activities outside of school.. I am a selfish mom. I like to have my kids around and sending them off the do sports takes that time away from ME!!  and well I get plum mad about it.

But, alas I have retreated and allowed two of them to participate in sports.. My hubby and I signed Bro up for basketball. And, Syd is trying out for the golf team. I pray that she makes it (no selfish desire there.)

So, here is my reasoning for a Manager of my home. I spend anywhere from 3-5 1/2 hours in my car driving kids here and there.. (Another reason I didn't want to sign them up for anything). I am getting home late and rushing to find time to cook supper, get everyone ready for bed, clean kitchen, make sure I have bread for Ty and Syd to have lunch, and make time for my hubby.

NOT A GREAT WAY TO LIVE A LIFE!!! Because did you see any worship time in all that running around I am doing?  Nope. I need my Jesus, I need Him to hold me, comfort me, and talk with me.

So, I have been working on this schedule making for quite sometime. I still have not gotten it the way I feel it would benefit my family, but I am seeking God on how to organize in a way that doesn't leave Him sitting on the doorstep wondering when I am coming back home. I want for Him to be in charge of what goes on in this house.

As soon as, I have finished with it I will give you all the run down and let you know how it is working and the areas where God has made some improvements..

1 comment:

  1. God is doing a GREAT work in you. You are a wonderful mom and try so very hard. I pray God's blessings to shower over you!

    Love ya


Wild Olive