Beautifly Blended

Beautifly Blended
"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so you are in My hands." God said. Jeremiah 18:6

02 March 2012

OH Sweet Naptime

how to do I. LOVE. THEE. Let me count the ways.

Nap time is something that never use to happen during the week. I only took one on Sunday. But, now that my husband is on 3rd shift. I must wake Bro at 6:00 o'clock with the others. So, our mornings are busy busy. I use to make him start school right after breakfast and then we would be done by 10 or 10:30. And, I liked those days. I don't do that anymore.


There is to much going on for me in the mornings now. I need to get laundry going, wheat milled, and all the other things that need to get done before my husband gets home. So, we begin school at 8:30. And, well, by 10:30 he is beat. Yawning barley able to keep his little eyes open.

So, I thought IT would be best to take a mid-Morin nap. We stop school about half way through and he lays down and I let him sleep about 1 1/2 hour.

I used to think I will never let him take a nap in the middle of school, but this is home school and he needs it. Not only for himself but for is mama's sake as well. Because, when I wake him up he is bright eyed and ready to get back to work.

Also, I am able to get some other things done like Blogging, folding laundry, making bread,  and some good ole Arica time. And, if you must know I will sometimes take a nap too. I am not too old.

So in reality I NOW LOVE NAP TIME.. !!!!

1 comment:

Wild Olive