Beautifly Blended

Beautifly Blended
"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so you are in My hands." God said. Jeremiah 18:6

17 October 2013

HM Mayo brings out the best!!

Did you recognize the tune?.. Yeah!! That's right I high jacked the famous mayonnaise line of all time.

I recently have been dabbling in a few recipes to make my own mayo, and several that we have tried were, well, yucky. I really wouldn't say it was the recipe, but the maker. Sometimes, I don't always read thoroughly through the directions and the ingredients. And, this my friends will get you into trouble.

I have found ONE that we all like, and that is a rare thing in the Griner household sometimes.

Homemade Mayo!!!

2 whole eggs
2 egg yolk
1/2 t Real salt
sprinkle of pepper
1 T Lemon Juice
dash of onion powder
1/8 Dry Mustard
1/2 c Coconut oil-UNFLAVORED
1/2 c Safflower oil

* If you didn't want to use the Safflower oil you can use a whole cup of coconut oil.*

Blend all the ingredients except the oils. Make sure they are blended well. I blend mine at a rough min and half.

Melt and mix oils. Note you don't want the oils bubbling hot!!

Now, pour the oils into the blender while it is still going. ***** The oil should be poured in slowly pouring a stream the size of a pencil or smaller****  The smaller the better. You are going to want full emulsion of the oils in to the mix.

 You shouldn't see any separation when you transfer to your mayo jar.

Refrigerate before use. Good for about 2 weeks.

This makes the perfect amount for our family, only because we don't eat a lot of mayo. But, if your family loves mayo I am sure that you could double the recipe at any given time.


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Wild Olive