Beautifly Blended

Beautifly Blended
"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so you are in My hands." God said. Jeremiah 18:6

06 March 2014

Renovations Done!!!!

Well this little project really ended up being a family event (all except me). My hubby had all the kids involved some way or another. Which is great! From the wise words of Gil Bates ( a family I adore) "The kids need to have a skill." And, I totally agree with that, so any opportunity that my hubby and I have we want to teach our children a new skill to acquire.

So, without farther Ado......


The in-between!!!!!


So as you can see all the kiddos got to lend a helping hand!!! 


So, I am going to just take a moment to say I have a very talented hubby. I believe that God has given this wonderful man a great talent to do ANYTHING he puts his mind to.

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