Beautifly Blended

Beautifly Blended
"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so you are in My hands." God said. Jeremiah 18:6

14 November 2011

Blabber on Monday

I almost don't know where to begin...I feel like these past few days have been a blur.


Thursday is usually our Library story/craft time.. Which two of my kids love. I am sure that you can guess my 13 year old does not...!!!!

But we missed it this week... because my babies wanted to see their Nana B... What could be better?

Good, fun time at The Dair* Q*een!!!


Monday I had a Parent Teacher Conference at Ty school... He is struggling in some areas...

Sitting there listening to these teachers tell me what a terrible job my son was doing  I began to think how much I really dislike public school... They have pushed so hard on the kids The "test" that they must pass with flying colors.  The bad thing for Ty is that they push some new lesson on him before he has had time to learn the old.

I really hate to see my babies struggle at anything..

The homework is CRAZY he and I spent 5 hours on homework...DID YOU HEAR 5 HOURS... like 8 hours in school is not good enough. They have hours and hours of homework... I had to go and talk to the teacher about that.. Do you know what he told me.???

They get and hour to finish in class... WOW a whole hour... WELL what was I doing wrong..? That is took the both of us 5 hours....

I try very hard not to say in front of Ty and Syd how much I really despise public school... But I do.!!!

(my Opinion)
But they teachers don't have time to really teach any more... The state has ruined our school systems... When did it to the point that the test results were the only thing that determined a child's learning.??

I pray one day I can  homeshool them all.... Until then I PRAY!!! WILL YOU??



When I was growing up I promised myself that I was never going to have any and I mean any children...

But, now after 3 I am longing for more..

Sunday we went to a friend of mine's Church.. They hosted a Love the Least conference..

There are no words to describe it....I was moved....I cried, I laughed, and I cried some more..

For the past few months God has been working in my life with adoption. I can't explain why. At first I thought He must be crazy. I tried to block it out. I really tried to put it in perspective. Look, Lord I already have 3, two of who don't live here full time. I just don't think You could be right about this. I mean I really pulled out the Moses attitude. I wanted Him to understand that He has it backwards..I really though He has got to have me confused with another Arica Griner.. Really life is hard enough with these 3. Why would God want me to have more.????

I didn't know why and still don't but, what I can tell you is that I have never had God put a desire in me like this one that I have..  I have tried to tell myself that we can't afford it. I have tried to tell myself that one more kid would kill me.. Literally. I mean I felt like on the inside that if I had one more I would die...

However, after much time with the Lord and trying to convince Him that I could do it.. He has won..
While, my heart is being prepared for more kids my husband heart is not. I have spoke to him a few times on adoption and natural birth.. He has said that 3 is enough...

But, I don't feel that way...So now that we have seen This Love the Least Conference about adoption and seeing those children's faces. I am praying that God will now work His way my husbands heart...

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