Beautifly Blended

Beautifly Blended
"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so you are in My hands." God said. Jeremiah 18:6

29 November 2011

Terrific Tuesday!!

There is so much I have to say...

First I pray each one of you had a splendid Thanksgiving..

I know I ate way more than my stomach could hold, but when you have such great food it is really hard to not say YES!!!!

For this Thanksgiving I was able to go to Fernandina to see some of my mother's side of the family.. I don't however, get so see them as much as I wish I could. So, the kids and I stayed over night with my Aunt Vicki..( I just love her so). Also, got to spend sometime with my Cousin Shev and his wife Wendee and their precious little boy Lockland.. He is such  a cutie pie..

There are many things I have to be thankful for and I got to show most of them this week.. And, I pray that you did too.

I have much to talk about.. but, I wont do it all today or some of you will not read all that I post..

But, one thing I wanted to mention is that CHRISTMAS is coming really soon.

And of course we all want to know what to get each and everyone something they want....

I got each of the kids one thing that they had requested.. WE are not doing much this year, only because I don't want them to lose sight of what is really important.. Our Lord, Jesus Christ..

The true reason for Christmas...

But, Mark asked me what I wanted and you know we usually go through the routine you don't have to get my anything.. Knowing really he had better or I would be disappointed.... So at first I wanted and need some good bread pans...(not bed pans which is what I have been saying).

And then it hit me like a ton of bricks I remember for years I have been wanting a treadmill..
So, I went online to look up some good/cheap treadmills.

Mark was like I will go to the pawn shops and see if I can find a used one. At first I didn't want a used one I WANTED a brand spanking new one.

But, while I was in Fernandina with my family she took me to a flea market and you will never believe what I found for just a measly 175.00...

That's right a used treadmill...

I am super stoked to be on this every day now   (no sarcasm) ..... I will lose all the weight I have gained from Thanksgiving and then I will be able to maintain through Christmas...

Yay me.!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is AWESOME about the treadmill!!! I told Mike about 3 weeks that I wanted one sooo badly but don't want the price tag. I'm happy for you!


Wild Olive