Beautifly Blended

Beautifly Blended
"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so you are in My hands." God said. Jeremiah 18:6

31 March 2012

About the BOYS!!!!

Well I do believe that Syd has had her fair share of posts in this past week..

So, now I get to brag on my boys for a little bit.

All week long my husband has been getting things together for the R.A. Campree they hold every year. He was super excited yesterday when he was packing all the supplies up.

He got T-Shirts for all the kids that were going from out church and he wanted to know if Ty would want to go with them even though he is not in R.A. anymore Ty said yes. I was super proud because usually he doesn't want to spend much time away from me. But, he wanted to go and I was okay with that.

When they got home my husband talked a great deal about all the fun they had and all the different events they had going on. Canoe, Archery, Fire building, Woods Trail and many more. Ty said he had a blast there were boy out there as old as 15 on up playing football and Ty jumped right in on that.

My husband said they had a band out there call the Romans Road Trio and Bro got up on stage and sang with them. I was told he did a great job.

I have to say that I am one PROUD MAMA..

After all the chatter about what they did my husband went to bed and shortly after that we got a phone call from one of the other R.A leaders. LCBC lad members had won some trophies and that we needed to pick them up.

Bro won 1st in Lad Canoe
Ty won 2nd in Young Challengers Canoe

I couldn't believe it I just had to take pictures

Oh and I love the T-Shirts what a way to show you are wearing the Armor of God...


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