Beautifly Blended

Beautifly Blended
"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so you are in My hands." God said. Jeremiah 18:6

12 May 2012

A new beginning

I know, I know.. Resolutions are to come "Only" at the beginning of the year. But, I just can't help myself.

Two weeks ago LCBC had revival...

Revive- to become active again or flourishing again. To restore from depressed, inactive and unused state. 

It's kinda sad when we have to be revived again.. When Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit after setting out to kill the Christians.. He had a zeal to tell everyone about the word of God. But, here in the great USA. We "need" revivals to get us to move in our lives.. I love revival.. I love the newness of the preacher coming. I enjoy hearing what God has to say. But, I feel like I am cheating God when I "have" to wait for revival at church to make me want to do something.  Austin Deloach was our revival leader for the week.. And, I have to say I was thoroughly impressed.. God knew just what I needed to hear.. and where I needed to change things in my life. 

Shortly, after the revival I began and intimate study of the book of Acts. What a great way to learn where and why the Church was started..

So, here are some of my Resolutions.

*To come when Christ calls.  Just as Peter did when he stepped out of the boat onto the water..

*Resolve to change my heart with prayer and to put others needs before my own.

*To be a prayer warrior for my Country, my Community, my Husband, my Children, my Pastor, my Family.

These are only just a few that God has revealed to me over the past few weeks... And, as I continue to stay in His word. I pray He will show me the paths I need to take..

Here are a few books I am reading to help me get started on the journey of transformation.

Resolution is by Priscilla Shirer. I only just started this one a couple of days ago.. What a revealing message it has offered already.

Come is by Austin Deloach.. That's right our Revival leader. This book can be checked out at the local library.

Praying for your Children is by Towns and Elmer. This too can be checked out at the local library.

I believe that prayer can change things. I have seen, I have felt, and I have been it..

I told all of this so that I can and will be held accountable. What good is a resolution when I am not. I know there will be days where I will not seek Christ first in all situations. I know there will be day when I will fall flat on my face. But, my God is a forgiving God and He wants to me succeed in all things. However, He never said it would be easy. 

1 comment:

  1. THis is an encouraging and challenging post, Arica...thank you. Love you.


Wild Olive